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Maxted Travels, Trinidad
8th to 28th February 2007
Ian's map of Trinidad
Map of Trinidad showing places visited.
Click on map to see full size
Older Post
An observation of Trinidad, its people, carnival, sights, wildlife and natural resources observed during a visit to the rain forests to discover leaf-cutter ants (bachacs)in the northern range.
About Me
Jill, Ian and Modestine
Genuinely interested readers and enquirers may email us at
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Earlier postings
Map of Trinidad
1. Before we go
2. 32 Fahrenheit to 32 Centigrade
3. Oil birds and oil drums
4. Making new friends
5. Fire and Brimstone
6. Village school in the rainforest
7. Travelling with royalty - no ants in our pants
Links to other Maxted blogs
Maxted Travels with Modestine 1, 2005-6
Maxted Travels with Modestine 2, Spring 2007
Maxted Travels with Modestine 3, Autumn 2007
Maxted Travels with Modestine 4, Spring 2008 - Autumn 2010
Maxted Travels with Modestine 5, 2011-2012
Maxted Travels, Wallowing in the Maya, 2008
Maxted Travels, Northern Spain, 1995
Maya miscellany 2008
Maxted Miscellany of odds and ends
Manhole Miscellany
Exeter Working Papers in British Book Trade History